After the Storms: Clean Up and Property Repairs

Winter in Denver can be harsh, leaving behind remnants that may impact commercial properties well into the warmer months. As the snow melts and spring approaches, property managers and owners must take proactive steps to ensure their buildings and grounds are in optimal condition. Here’s a comprehensive guide to cleaning up commercial properties in Denver as winter gives way to spring.

8 Steps to Clean Up Commercial Properties After Winter Storms

1. Assess Winter Damage 

The first step is a thorough inspection of the property to identify any damage caused by the winter weather. This includes checking roofing for leaks or structural damage from heavy snow, inspecting pipes for freeze damage, and assessing the integrity of windows and doors. Landscaping also needs attention; plants and grass may have been affected by the cold or crushed under snow.

2. Clean Gutters and Drainage Systems:

Melting snow and spring rains can lead to significant water runoff. Ensuring that gutters, drains, and downspouts are clear of debris is crucial to prevent water damage and flooding. This not only protects the building’s foundation and landscaping but also mitigates the risk of mold and mildew growth.

3. Repair Walkways and Parking Lots 

The freeze-thaw cycle can wreak havoc on asphalt and concrete, leading to cracks and potholes. Early spring is the ideal time to patch these problems, not only to enhance the property’s appearance but also to eliminate potential safety hazards for vehicles and pedestrians.

4. Revitalize Landscaping

Spring is synonymous with renewal, and refreshing the property’s landscaping is a key element of post-winter cleanup. This may involve reseeding grass, planting new foliage, and pruning trees and shrubs to encourage healthy growth and enhance curb appeal.

5. Deep Clean Exterior Surfaces

The residue from de-icing chemicals and grime from winter storms can leave a property looking tired and worn. Pressure washing the building’s exterior, sidewalks, and other surfaces can dramatically improve the property’s appearance and prevent the buildup of materials that could cause long-term damage.

6. Prepare HVAC Systems for Warmer Weather

Transitioning from heating to cooling systems in spring requires a thorough check to ensure HVAC systems are functioning efficiently. This includes replacing filters, checking ducts for leaks, and ensuring the system is calibrated for optimal performance during the warmer months.

7. Update Emergency Preparedness Plans

Spring in Denver can bring its own set of challenges, including sudden storms and flooding. Reviewing and updating emergency preparedness plans, including evacuation routes and safety procedures, is crucial to ensure the safety of tenants and visitors.

8. Communicate with Tenants

Keep tenants informed about cleanup efforts and any scheduled maintenance. Providing updates can help manage expectations and minimize disruptions to their daily operations.

By addressing these key areas, commercial property managers in Denver can transition smoothly from winter to spring, ensuring their properties are safe, functional, and welcoming as the seasons change. This not only helps in maintaining the value of the property but also in creating a pleasant environment for tenants and visitors alike.